Here’s a netball legend that needs no introduction.
Sue is the lifeblood of 9’s Wide World of Sports Netball Commentary Team, offering unique and entertaining insights into the game. She’s also a respected and successful high performance coach, mentor and champion of the #wakeupnetball movement. If that’s not enough, she’s established The Good, The Bad and The Ugly coaching program with Lyn Pemberton.
What advice would you give coaches to stay motivated?
Take pride in your role, lead with confidence and keep the message simple.
What are your proudest coaching moments?
Yesterday’s training and tomorrow’s game.
How would you describe your coaching style?
My coaching style has evolved over the years and now sits more as a player-centred coach. While I still demand a standard, I try to ensure players are given as much opportunity in the training environment to solve and lead.
You’re in charge of book club! What book would you choose?
“If at first you don’t conceive” by Liz Ellis. At all friendly bookstores now!
We asked Sue’s co-coach Lyn Pemberton the final question. If Sue were an animal, what would she be and why?